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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 34, Issue 4, pp. 759-1006

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On the Eigenvalues of Zakharov--Shabat Systems

M. Klaus and J. K. Shaw

pp. 759-773

The Existence and Large Time Behavior of Solutions to a System Related to a Phase Transition Problem

Harumi Hattori

pp. 774-804

On Complex-Valued Solutions to a Two-Dimensional Eikonal Equation. II. Existence Theorems

Rolando Magnanini and Giorgio Talenti

pp. 805-835

Nonlinear Waves in Networks of Neurons with Delayed Feedback: Pattern Formation and Continuation

Lihong Huang and Jianhong Wu

pp. 836-860

Dynamic Boundary Conditions for Hamilton--Jacobi Equations

C. M. Elliott, Y. Giga, and S. Goto

pp. 861-881

Recovery of Small Inhomogeneities from the Scattering Amplitude at a Fixed Frequency

Habib Ammari, Ekaterina Iakovleva, and Shari Moskow

pp. 882-900

On k-Monotone Approximation by Free Knot Splines

Kirill Kopotun and Alexei Shadrin

pp. 901-924

Formation of $\delta$-Shocks and Vacuum States in the Vanishing Pressure Limit of Solutions to the Euler Equations for Isentropic Fluids

Gui-Qiang Chen and Hailiang Liu

pp. 925-938

The Decrease of Bulk-Superconductivity Close to the Second Critical Field in the Ginzburg--Landau Model

Etienne Sandier and Sylvia Serfaty

pp. 939-956

Superconducting Films in Perpendicular Fields and the Effect of the de Gennes Parameter

Xing-Bin Pan

pp. 957-991

Droplet Spreading Under Weak Slippage: A Basic Result on Finite Speed of Propagation

Günther Grün

pp. 992-1006